other services


If you plan to do business or are already doing business in the Czech Republic, you will need a trade license. However, unless you are a homeowner or the owner of a commercial property, this trade license can only be issued upon obtaining written consent from your landlord (or the property owner) to use their property as your business address.


We at TOP Visa know how difficult it can be to get your landlord to cooperate with you. Oftentimes they take too long to sign the consent form, or they’re completely unwilling to sign the document whatsoever.

If the clock is ticking and you need to apply for your residence permit fast, or if you like where you live and simply have an uncooperative landlord who won’t sign the consent form, then we have the perfect solution for you!


With a virtual business address, you will never have to rely on a landlord’s goodwill. Your registered place of business, including your name and business registration number, will be registered at a virtual location at an affordable cost.


We can provide you with all the necessary documents you need to set up your virtual business address and can deal with all the relevant authorities and offices on your behalf with a simple power of attorney.


Contact us for a price quote.