other services
If you’ve started a business, i.e. have a trade license, you’re liable to register with a public health insurance company and make monthly contributions. This also applies if you’ve recently acquired permanent residence status as a citizen of a third country (non-EU country) and you were not previously eligible to be a part of the public healthcare system.
Documents needed to register for public health insurance:
- a scan of your passport
- a scan of your current residence permit
- a copy of your trade license (if you are doing business)
- a power of attorney for us to represent you throughout the process (we will provide this)
pRICE: 1000 CZK
Our price includes:
- step-by-step instructions on how the whole process will go
- filling out the application form and preparing your dossier
- submission of all required documents to health insurance company
- staying in touch with health insurance company in case there are any issues that need resolving
- a power of attorney for gathering and submitting all the required documents for the public health insurance company