non-EU citizens


Based on Czech Ancestry: If you are foreign national with Czech ancestry and one of your parents or grandparents was once a Czechoslovak or Czech citizen and you can prove they lost their Czechoslovak or Czech citizenship before the year 2014, then you are entitled to apply for Czech citizenship by declaration, which gives you the legal right to become a Czech citizen without discretion from the authorities. There is no Czech language requirement. You cannot include spouses or civil/registered partners in your application. Citizenship is effective upon the date you collect your citizenship certificate (the citizenship is not backdated). You can apply at a Czech embassy or consulate, or in the Czech Republic at the appropriate Vital Statistics Office (Matrika).

We can put you in touch with one of our citizenship experts who can determine your eligibility (whether your ancestor lost his/her CZ citizenship) and can provide you with a list of required documents.

Based on Being a Minor Coming of Age: Foreign nationals who have turned 18 years old are entitled to apply for Czech citizenship by declaration if they have a permanent residence permit, have been residing in the Czech Republic no later than from the age of 10, have maintained a factual residence for two-thirds of their time in the Czech Republic, and have a clean criminal record. Applicants must apply before they turn 21 years old. There is no Czech language requirement. Acquiring Czech citizenship in this manner is a legal right and applicants cannot be denied if they fulfill all the requirements. Citizenship is effective upon the date you collect your citizenship certificate (the citizenship is not backdated). Applicants must apply at their local Vital Statistics Office (Matrika) that has jurisdiction over their permanent residence address.

We can put you in touch with one of our citizenship experts who can advise you on your application.

pRICE: Upon agreement