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The Ministry of the Interior issues birth numbers.

A birth number is a ten-digit number that is divisible by eleven without a remainder. The first two digits represent the last two digits of the year of birth, the second two digits represent the month of birth, increased by 50 for women, and the third two digits represent the day of birth. The four-digit ending is a distinguishing feature of individuals born on the same calendar day.

If you have never requested this number, we can quickly change that. You will need this birth number for quicker communication with most Czech authorities.

Just send us a copy of your passport or current residence card and we will find out if you have already been given a birth number or if we need to apply for one. We will apply on your behalf, and once everything is ready, we will accompany you to the Ministry of the Interior to collect it.

pRICE: 2500 CZK